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Closure of ezShop Service with effect from 13 December 2021

Dear ezShop customers,

We have come down to make this difficult decision to cease our ezShop service with effect from

13 December 2021

Back in 2010 when we started out as 65daigou, ezShop (previously known as Buy-For-Me) has been one of our first service provided to our customers. Being one of the first online platform in Singapore to offer this service, we've always committed and has been continuously pushing our limits by improving our services, making our shipping rate affordable, and constantly helping customers to purchase products from overseas with a peace of mind with a hassle-free experience.


In the ever-changing and growth of ecommerce in Singapore, aside from providing excellent service to customers, product quality and overall satisfaction are also the key essentials to remain competitive as an online shopping platform.
As our ezShop only offer a service to allow customers to purchase products from overseas platforms, we are unable to ensure product quality and satisfaction for our customers. Inevitably, these have affected our customers' experiences with us.


Conclusively, we came down to make this difficult decision, while opening up other opportunities and focus what matter the most for our customers - Make Happy Customers.


Click here for some FAQ on the closure of ezShop


Alternative service for you - ezShip

With our competitive shipping rate in Singapore, our ezShip customer base has been significantly increasing past few years. Click the banner below to find out how easy to continue shopping from overseas using our ezShip service